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Safety Tips for Pool Handrails: A blog about essential safety tips for pool handrails

Pool deck handrails are a great way to help swimmers navigate the water safely. They can also help prevent accidents on uneven surfaces and provide additional support while exercising or playing in the water. As per safety guidelines, it’s essential to inspect and maintain your pool handrails regularly, so they remain safe for use.

Pool Handrail Troubleshooting Guide

Fixing a pool handrail

If you’re having trouble with your pool handrail, there are a few simple things you can do to fix it. Check that all of the bolts and screws are tightly fastened. If they aren’t, tighten them with a screwdriver.

You might also want to purchase some lubricating oil for metal parts and apply it regularly so that everything runs smoothly without any bothersome noises or screeching sounds (which is especially important if you have small children who might get scared by such noises). Finally, ensure all cables are fully tightened so they don’t come out at inopportune moments while using the slide!

Replacing an old pool slide

Replacing an old slide on your own isn’t easy but can save you money if done right by following these simple steps: 

1) Buy all necessary tools needed, including tape measurer;

2) Measure distance between wall & floor then add ¼” for thickness;

3) Order new pieces from the supplier

4) Remove the old piece

5) Install a new piece onto the wall

6) Reinstall old pieces back onto the wall

7) Enjoy the new look!

How to Inspect

Look for any signs of damage, including missing bolts or screws. Check to ensure it is tightly secured and that there are no open areas where it could shift over time. You should also make sure all handrail caps are in place, especially at the ends of each run, because they prevent debris from getting inside your pool system when you brush past them while stepping into or out of the water. Inspecting these caps regularly will ensure that they aren’t damaged by moisture if they aren’t installed correctly or if they were missing when they were put up originally.

Do You Need a Pool Handrail?

Deciding whether or not you need a pool handrail is a matter of safety. If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should definitely consider installing one.

How high is the pool?

If your pool is less than 5 feet deep and has no diving board, and if you want to make sure that everyone (including children) can get in and out of your pool safely without any issues, you might want to install one.

How many people will be using the pool?

If only one person is using your swimming area at a time, but they are elderly or have back problems—or even just have limited mobility due to recent surgery—you may want a rail installed.

Common Materials for Pool Handrails




Fiberglass (extruded) and composite materials are also common, but less so.

Plastic is the least common material for pool handrails.

Handrails are often taken for granted, but they’re an important part of your swimming pool. They help maintain the structural integrity of your pool and prevent injuries by providing a safe area to stand. The most common injury is a slip or falls due to a damaged or missing handrail. While it may not seem like much at first glance, even small cracks can be dangerous if you’re not careful! By following these tips and inspecting your handrails regularly, you can keep everything safe for yourself and your friends and family who frequently visit throughout the year.

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