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Fertility is an Equal-Opportunity Issue for Couples

The average age at which couples start trying to conceive has fallen. In the United States, the female fertility rate has fallen from 35% to 25% in the past 40 years. This is due to the advances in medical technology that have allowed women to conceive at an older age.

In online surveys conducted by online fertility clinics across America, most patients were between ages 26-35. They had been trying for one year or more before seeing a doctor about IVF treatment (in vitro fertilization).

Risks of conceiving a baby by age.

If you’re looking for a fertility clinic in UAE, it’s important to be aware of the risks of choosing one. A 2016 report from the National Health Service found that 80 percent of UK clinics were not following national guidelines on how to care for patients. The report also found that many clinics fail to provide adequate training for staff and do not have formal patient records systems in place.

And these are just some of the problems associated with using an unlicensed practitioner. You could get a poor standard of care or be exposed to dangerous chemicals (like thalidomide).

For example, in 2008, British researchers reported finding traces of mercury in some samples taken from women undergoing IVF treatment at private hospitals around London; they estimated that this could result in as many as 300 children born each year prematurely with serious neurological disorders like autism spectrum disorder or cerebral palsy something which happened because doctors weren’t properly trained on how best handle such cases.

You can use fertility apps to help you determine whether or not you’re fertile. Some of these apps include:

  • Fertility Friend – This app will tell you the status of your menstrual cycle and ovulation by analyzing data from your previous cycles. It also tracks signs like cervical mucus, basal body temperature (BBT), cervical position, and pregnancy hormones to give users an idea of what might be happening in their bodies. If it sounds too complicated for you or there’s no one around to help decipher these signals, then this app may just be what you need!
  • Natural Cycles – This free app lets users input information about themselves and their current cycle into its database so that it can predict when they are most likely ovulating each month based on previous observations made during similar cycles in the previous year

What to consider when you’re trying to conceive.

According to a recent survey by the Society for Assisted Reproduction Technology, women are now waiting an average of six months longer than they did in the 1990s before going through pregnancy treatment. The reasons: are increased awareness about how common infertility is and more sophisticated treatments available today.

In addition to being able to pinpoint causes for infertility (for example, issues with ovulation or cervical mucus) and treat them effectively, fertility specialists can also help you decide if you’re ready to try conceiving on your own or should look into fertility clinics where doctors will assist with IVF procedures like egg retrieval or intrauterine insemination (IUI).

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