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Hearing loss: How can you see a problem coming in time?

When was the last time you had your hearing health checked? What about your children’s hearing health? You probably don’t even remember the last time you went to the audiologist’s office. On the one hand, that’s a good thing. It means you don’t have a serious health problem. But on the other hand, you may miss the beginning of hearing loss.

Hearing loss most often develops slowly, with no obvious symptoms in the first stage. Many people think that hearing loss is not a serious problem. At the very least, you can ask the interlocutor a couple of times, or turn up the volume on the TV. Why is hearing loss rapidly spreading across the planet? Let’s figure it out together!

Is hearing loss dangerous?

Hearing loss is a serious problem that increasingly affects people today. Residents of large industrial cities are increasingly faced with the problem. The main reason is a large number of negative factors that destroy hearing. There are more of them here than in the quiet and comfortable suburbs. According to statistics, millions of Americans have hearing problems. Is hearing loss so dangerous? After all, some patients continue to live peacefully, no matter what.

Hearing loss most often develops gradually. A person can live with the problem without noticing it for years until it becomes a real problem. Our brain tries to adapt to all kinds of new conditions. Hearing loss is one of them. In fact, the person stops noticing problems and gets used to the new realities, and only close people suffer. But everything changes when hearing loss develops to a moderate or severe degree. It can cause serious problems in your daily life. In addition, hearing loss affects physiological and psychological health. Often, patients with hearing loss have depression and frequent dizziness.

The situation with children and teenagers is even more serious. Healthy hearing is the most important sense organ for interacting with the world around us. Through the work of our hearing organs, we learn and perceive the world. In other words, it is the most important ability we have to develop and learn. According to statistics, children who are hard of hearing (without the proper treatment) are not as advanced as their healthy peers. If a person is hard of hearing from birth, he or she will have to take a special education course and attend special schools. Otherwise, the child will have big problems in the future, especially when interacting with society and building a career.

Thus, healthy hearing for a child/adolescent is the foundation for development and successful interaction with both the outside world and their peers. As you can see, hearing loss is a threat to Americans at any age!

Can I have my hearing restored?

Many Americans don’t think about the seriousness of hearing loss. Most take healthy hearing for granted. The lack of adequate information in the area creates misconceptions. What do we do when we are sick? We go to the doctor, get tested for diagnosis, take pills and recover. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work for hearing loss.

Hearing loss is a serious problem. It results from changes in the hearing organs. Today, the main causes of hearing loss in most people are long-term noise exposure, age-related changes, and genetic predisposition. Typically, Americans in these risk groups have sensorineural hearing loss. It is caused by damage to the hair cells. These cells sense external vibrations in the atmosphere and transmit electronic signals to the brain through the auditory canal. 

The brain then processes these signals to form familiar sounds. If the hair cells are damaged, they cannot process and send the signals correctly. It means that a person is less able to hear and not perceive sounds and voices. Unfortunately, these cells do not regenerate. If you damage them, you cannot replace them with new ones!

Because of it, you can’t restore your hearing naturally. It is impossible. But you can begin to hear and understand well if you wear medical devices to restore your hearing. These are hearing aids or cochlear implants. Hearing aids are sophisticated, modern electronic devices.

Don’t be surprised to see people with hearing aids on the street or at work. The number of patients with hearing loss grows every year. It means the number of people who wear medical devices will also grow.

How to see a hearing loss in time?

Time is the main factor in hearing restoration. The sooner you get to an audiologist’s office, the faster you’ll return to your hearing. But it is not easy. After all, hearing loss is gradual. Let’s look at how you can see the problem early on!

Note the first symptoms.

  • Hearing loss has some obvious symptoms. These are:
  • Rapid fatigue at work
  • Irritability
  • The need in turning up the volume of electronic devices (smartphones, TV, etc.)
  • Frequent questioning during a conversation

Have you noticed similar symptoms in yourself or a loved one? Move on to the next point!

Hearing test in the comfort of your own home

Today, digital technology helps people with everyday tasks. Hearing care is no exception. Any device with internet access and headphones allows you to pass a hearing health test. Online hearing testing is a simple and painless method that is available to any American. It is not a substitute for a complete medical examination, but the results will mark any abnormalities.

Contact an audiology clinic

Did you notice the first symptoms of hearing loss? Did Hearing Test confirm the problem? Do not waste time, and contact an audiology clinic! The doctor will examine you and prescribe medical tests and the right treatment.

Hearing care professionals recommend checking hearing health at least once a year. It is true for everyone, even for those, who don’t experience any difficulties. Annual testing can help diagnose hearing loss, preventing further progression and complications of the disorder!

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