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What Is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome In Children?

Essential Things To Know About Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome

Attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome (ADHD) is basically a complicated mental disorder which can affect a child’s health, success in life and change in the behavioural pattern too. It is characterised by problems paying attention, excessive activity, or difficulty controlling behaviour. During adolescence, almost all children experience some attention deficit syndrome. However, if it persists till teenage then, then parents have to understand that there is something seriously wrong with their kids. The symptoms will occur before your child is twelve years old. This will result in a poor school performance of the kids. Although it causes impairment, particularly in modern society, many children with ADHD have a good attention span for tasks they find interesting. Now, it is quite hard for a patient to decide whether a child is suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome or not.  Thus below here are few tips which will help you understand the ADHD disease better.

Effects Of Attention Deficit Syndrome

Almost 11% children, who are in the age bracket of 4 to 7 years, seem to have this syndrome. Attention deficit disorder may affect all aspects of a child’s life. In fact, it not only impacts the life of the child but also to the parents and siblings causing disturbances to family and marital functioning.

  • The adverse effect of ADHD on their children and their families changes from pre-school year to primary school and adolescence, with a varying aspect of the disorder being more noticeable at different stages.
  • ADHD may persist up to adulthood causing disruption to both professional and personal life. In addition, ADHD has been associated with increased healthcare costs for patients and their family members.
  • ADHD is a chronic, debilitating disorder which may impact upon many aspects of a child’s life including academic difficulties, social skill problems, and stained parent-child relationship. Whereas it was previously thought that children eventually outgrow ADHA, recent studies have suggested that about 30-60% children continue to grow significant symptoms of the syndrome in adulthood.
  • Children with the syndrome are at greater risk for long-term negative outcomes, such as lower educational and employment attainment.
  • A vital consideration in how the ADHD is how this disease affects the daily life of the children and their families. As children suffering from this disease get older, the way the disorder upon them and their families’ changes. An environment that is sensitive to the needs of an individual with ADHD and aware of the implications of the disorder is vital.

Types OF Attention Deficit Syndrome

When it comes to ADHD, no one diagnosis or treatment fits all. Everyone is different.  Attention deficit is of three types. Hyperactive type, inattentive type, combined type. Each has different symptoms and treatments are based on those symptoms.

  • Hyperactive type: This type of ADHD is pretty easy to spot. Is your child squirming or fidgeting or unable to sit quietly at a place for some time? Then your child might have the hyperactive type of syndrome.
  • Kids who are suffering from hyperactive ADHD syndrome talk too much and their words don’t make any sense. People suffering from this disorder display signs of inattention, but it’s not as marked as the other symptoms.
  • People who are hyperactive often squirm, fidget or feel restless, have difficulty in sitting still, talk constantly, touch and play with objects, have trouble in engaging in quiet activities and are constantly on the go and make inappropriate comments.
  • They might suddenly fall off from their chair, they often feel the need to pick up everything and play with it. When you expect kids to be seated, those suffering from ADHD will often get up and start moving.
  • They will often start singing and hum and often start talking to themselves. They may be loud talkers and often can’t be active quietly.
  • Children with hyperactive-impulse type ADHD can be a disruption in the classroom. They can make learning more difficult for themselves and other students of the class.
  • Inattentive Type: If your child fails to focus on his or her studies making too many mistakes even after teaching and not providing enough attention then he or she may be suffering from inattentive ADHD.
  • A child suffering from this will have a short span of attention, distractible, disorganised, make careless mistakes, they will be unable to follow or carry out instructions.
  • These types of kids tend to avoid the tasks which need the effort to be done and often end up losing things that are needed to complete the tasks. They may daydream a lot and process information much slower than others. You might often find them staring out the window at the bird while their work still lays unfinished.
  • According to National Institute of Mental Health, inattentive symptoms are far more difficult to be recognized by parents, teachers and medical professionals and the people suffering from ADHD rarely get the treatment they need.
  • This leads to academic frustration, apathy and undue shame that can a lifetime which is a big problem. People suffering from this often claim about finding their glasses in the refrigerator and their frozen peas in the purse. They tend to misplace the essential thing needed for living like keys, wallet, sports equipment or backpack on a daily basis.
  • Combined Type: If your child is suffering from combination type, this means that his or her symptoms do not exactly fall within the inattentive or hyperactive-impulsive behaviour. Instead, combinations of symptoms from both of the categories are exhibited.

Most people with or without ADHD, experience some degree of inattentive or impulse behaviour. But it’s more severe in people with ADHD. The behaviour occurs more often and interferes with how you function at home, school, and work in social situations.

Ways To Diagnose Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Syndrome

If any ADHD syndrome is observed in your child then it would be your duty to take him or her to the doctor. A proper diagnosis can save your child’s life.

Here isn’t a simple test that can diagnose ADHD. Children usually display symptoms before at the age of 7. But ADHD shares symptoms with disorders. Your doctor may first try to rule out conditions like depressions, anxiety, and a certain sleep issue before making a diagnosis.

A child must show at least six to nine major symptoms of inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive behaviour. The behaviour must be present and disruptive in everyday life at least for six months.

  • Unusual Behaviour Must Be Present Both In School And Home: Along with showing the pattern of inattention, hyperactivity-impulsivity, or both, the states that are to be diagnosed to the person must be displayed between 12 years of age. And they must be present in more than just one setting, like at both home and school. Symptoms must also interfere with everyday life. And these symptoms can’t be explained by another mental disorder. An initial diagnosis may reveal only one type of ADHD. But symptoms can change over time. This is an important thing to notice for adults, who MY NEED to be re-evaluated.
  • By Behavioural Therapy And Medications: Your doctor might recommend your child to behavioural therapy before starting any medications. Therapy can help people with ADHD replace inappropriate behaviours or help them find ways to express feelings. Parents can also receive behavioural management training which will help them to manage their child’s behaviour. It will also help them to learn new skills to cope with the disorder. Children who are under the age 6 usually start with behaviour therapy and no medications. While children ages 6 and up may benefit the most from the combination behaviour therapy and medications.

Talking about the medication, there are two types of ADHD medication.

  • Stimulants are the most commonly prescribed medications. They are fast acting and between 70-80 percent children have fewer symptoms while on these medications.
  •  Whereas non-stimulants do not work as quickly to relieve ADHD symptoms. But these medications can last up to 24 hours.

However there are few problems related to treatment, one such is regarding the growth of the children. Growth deficits in children receiving stimulant treatment for ADHD have long been the subject of scientific discussion. Conflicting results have been reported with some authors indicating that the stimulants do affect the growth of the children but that only occurs only during the active treatment phase and does not compromise final height of the child. Altogether, the results suggest that clinicians should monitor the growth of hyperactive children receiving stimulants and consider the reduction of dose in individual cases.

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