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10 Characteristics of a Highly Organized Team in Business

When you think about it, so much of our living experience involves bringing order to chaos. This is especially important in business, since time waste, error, and efficiency can create insurmountable losses.

People today waste 40% of their work days. This is staggering when you consider how this breaks down into lost revenue and a lack of productivity.

If you want to learn more about what makes a well-organized team, these characteristics are a constant.

1. They Are Punctual

The best teams are always on time. Showing up on time is not only polite — it can also save your business.

When you are constantly late to things, you are burning value time, money, and business relationship capital. If this becomes a trend with your time, there’s no way that you will operate at peak efficiency.

Punctuality begins in-house. Make sure that all of your meetings start on time and that everyone on the team takes being on time seriously. Be particularly mindful about showing up on time when you have engagements with people outside of the building.

Keep calendars, set alerts, and do everything that you can to make punctuality your best practice.

2. Meetings Are Efficient

Inefficient meetings are an issue that plagues so many businesses and professionals. Companies often schedule meetings because they think they should, but don’t honor the time that it takes.

Meetings should have agendas, should move along, and should limit side conversations and impertinent information. Conduct meetings remotely as well, so that team members who aren’t physically present can still attend.

Take accurate notes so that anyone who missed the meeting can also get up to speed.

3. Technology Is a Constant

Professionals today must also use technology to their advantage. Today’s smartphones, tablets, high-speed internet, and other technology make it easy to conduct business.

Companies that are organized and well-run are always trying to gain an edge via technology. Apps like Slack, Trello, Grammarly, ClickUp, and Notion help teams collaborate.

They’re also using Zoom and Skype for meetings or to communicate on the fly. Google Docs is a tried and true platform that has changed word processing and record keeping.

Of course, teams always have plenty of cloud storage with apps like Dropbox. Keeping plenty of storage lets people get access to the right information while also keeping the best files and data.

4. Everyone Responds to the Leader

The more things change, the more they stay the same. Even though we’re in a modern age, leadership remains a timeless principle that helps the best teams stay organized.

People respond to quality leadership, so make sure that your team is strong at the top. The business owner or other leader must lead in a way that sets the tone for the organization. A good leader communicates clearly, while also helping everyone get the most out of their potential and talents.

Your team will always have a fighting chance if you made a sound decision about who should lead.

5. Efficient Channels of Team Communication

Your team also needs to have the most effective channels of communication if it is to stay organized.

Install and subscribe to the best telephony services available as well. This lets you place and receive calls that are crisp, clear, and without delay or dropping.

Cloud-based Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP), private branch exchange (PBX), and other types of phone systems are some of the most popular and useful.

Outside of telephones, make sure that your smartphone is also up to par. This form of digital technology also lets you get clear calls while on the go. You can also seamlessly text, video chat, access the internet, and use all of the productivity apps that keep your team on track.

6. The Team Keeps Accurate Records

Having the most accurate records will also keep your team organized. Organizations must always have clear and accurate records to build on.

This way, they can move forward with accuracy and less guesswork. Come up with a file-keeping system that works for your company, stick to it, and make all of the records accessible and transparent.

7. A Clean and Organized Office

It’s also important that you keep your office as clean and organized as possible. Your team will get more done when the workplace is kept in shape.

People won’t have to stress over finding lost items and will feel comfortable hosting meetings in-house. It’s great for everyone’s quality of life and peace of mind.

Hire a professional cleaning company regularly to make sure your office is always tidy.

8. Clear Goals and Expectations

Your team will stay organized and on task when everyone has clear goals and expectations. Take away the ambiguity by setting measurable goals and giving steps to accomplish them.

Track progress and use data as much as possible to know how far you are and where you need to go.

9. Quality Accounting and Bookkeeping

The most organized teams also take the best care of their money. Make sure that your accounting and bookkeeping are as organized as possible.

Outsource the work to a bookkeeper or certified public accountant (CPA) if you need to. Keep accurate financial records, especially for your taxes and legal reasons.

10. Effective Public Relations

Your company also needs to be organized and transparent in how it relates to the public. Make sure that you have quality customer service, public relations, and marketing.

When this is effective, your company can stay on message and communicate clearly.

Build a More Organized Team

When you have an organized team, you will always have a better shot at productivity, business growth, and effectiveness. This can make your company profitable and everyone in it more fulfilled.

Begin by assessing these characteristics, bookmark our site, and read our other posts to get the most out of your business productivity.

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