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The Future of Sustainable Protein: Hemp Heart Protein

In the current era, Clean label, plant-based, vegan, gluten-free, etc., have made plant-based proteins commonplace. But considering how to get enough protein for the 7.9 billion people on the planet, raising livestock is not a reliable or sustainable option because it is a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, uses too much land, energy, and water, and promotes practices that may not be good for the animals.

So, it makes sense to look more closely at making consistent and long-lasting proteins from plants to deal with the lack of food caused by climate change, more people living in cities, and higher living costs.

Consumer demand for healthier and greener options will boost the plant-based protein market to $162 billion by 2030, accounting for 7.7 percent of the global protein market.

While soy, pea, and almond (among others) are well recognized as good plant-based protein options, hemp protein is gaining popularity due to its potential to increase fullness, enhance food flavor and nutritional value, and reduce environmental impact when compared to other protein sources.

Sustainable Proteins Types: Hemp Protein vs. V-70™ Hemp Protein

Traditional hemp protein is a sustainable protein type that is green and tastes and feels like grass. It works well in baking, pet food, and beer making. These organoleptic properties can hinder some settings, which is why the adaptable V-70TM Hemp Heart Protein exists.

In contrast to traditional green hemp protein, V-70TM Hemp Heart Protein is white, has a neutral and slightly nutty flavor, and can absorb large amounts of water and oil. V-70TM does not necessitate flavor masking or extra additives to counteract color and flavor, saving time and money.

V-70TM provides a silky mouthfeel appropriate for meal replacement, nutrition bars, and non-dairy products such as yogurt, ice cream, and cheese due to its exceptional water- and fat-binding properties.

Hemp Protein as Part of a Flexible Diet

Flexitarianism, a diet that focuses on plant foods but allows some animal products in moderation, is more popular than ever. This is true for both big fast-food chains and small brands. Flexitarianism offers a comprehensive dietary strategy incorporating nutrition, sustainability, and ethics.

According to a survey conducted in 2022, more than half of young Americans (aged 24-39) identify as flexitarians, with 60% saying they would decrease their intake of meat if plant-based substitutes had the same nutritional value and 63% saying they would become flexitarians if plant-based foods were more morally acceptable.

It’s safe to say that hemp protein fits in with the flexitarian way of life. It’s an easy-to-find, sustainable plant-based solution that can be used in anything from mass-market to niche products.

Hemp protein and how it Enhances Fullness

Alongside carbohydrates, lipids, and alcohol, protein is one of the four macronutrients that supply most human energy needs. Although a significant portion of the world’s protein still comes from meat, hemp seeds’ high protein, amino acid, and mineral content make them an excellent plant-based alternative for addressing satiety and taste.

Let’s analyze the composition of hemp seeds. We discover that it can increase the nutritional content of most formulations because it consists of the following:

  • To strengthen the immune system and the central nervous system, it is essential to maintain a healthy balance of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), which include omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, as well as linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids. These acids can only be obtained from the diet.
  • Arginine and the nine necessary amino acids (promote heart health).
  • Vitamins and minerals that are fundamental, such as calcium, iron, zinc, and magnesium.
  • In contrast to almond and soy proteins, it does not contain any of the top 8 allergens.

How Hemp Protein And Satiety Work

To put this theory into reality, let’s look at how adding traditional hemp seed protein to bread changes its nutritional profile. Bread is among the world’s most widely consumed foods. According to a 2021 study, wheat bread enhanced with hemp seed protein has a high concentration of proteins, essential amino acids, fats, unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, and micronutrients. According to the study, hemp seed protein can suppress hunger, enhance insulin sensitivity, and aid food movement through the intestines.

Another study discovered that wheat pasta enhanced with hemp protein contained higher protein concentrations, dietary fiber, minerals, and unsaturated fatty acids — all of which are ideal fortifying ingredients in food preparation. Pasta made using 30% hemp flour can indeed be called a high-protein and high-fiber food with a good flavor.


All the boxes that environmentalists and consumers are checking off these days can be checked with hemp seed oil, hemp protein, and hemp seed. The FDA has approved hemp protein, which comes from the plant’s seeds, for human consumption as a food additive. However, formulators should also know that hemp seed protein differs from hemp heart protein.

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