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10 Top Tips To Maintain Ideal Blood Pressure Naturally

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the common health problems among people. Due to our bad health and bad lifestyle, we suffer from various health problems. Therefore, we should make some necessary changes in our lifestyle that can help us in uplifting our good health.

Here, in this article, we are going to share some tips and tricks that can help in reducing the risk of blood pressure-related problems: 

1. Maintain Ideal Body Weight & Reduce Waistline

The blood pressure is directly linked with body weight. If you are overweight, then it will reduce the waistline. Increased weight can cause breathing problems when you sleep, and it further increases your blood pressure.

Thus, it is very important to maintain the ideal body weight so that your blood pressure can be controlled. You should pay attention to your waistline rather than focusing on shedding pounds. If your waistline is carrying too much weight, then it can lead to high blood pressure.

2. Do Regular Workout

You should do regular exercise to keep your body active. It is recommended to do workout for 30 minutes a day or 150 minutes a week or Yoga. It will help in reducing your blood pressure level and keep your body fit. If you stop doing exercise, then you will start facing the problem of hypertension.

If you are already suffering from high blood pressure, then it can easily bring down to a normal level by doing the regular workout.

Aerobic exercise is the best workout for those people who are suffering from hypertension or high blood pressure. Well, the person who is suffering from hypertension should start doing jog, cycling, swimming, or dancing.

If your body allows, then you can also try to do high-intensity workout. If you do a workout at home, then install air conditioning Sydney to maintain the ideal atmosphere during summer.

3. Healthy Diet Plan

You should create a healthy diet plan that is rich in seasonal fruits, vegetables, and whole-grain wheat and low-fat dairy products. You should not include saturating fat and cholesterol-rich food items in your diet.

The saturated fat and cholesterol can instantly increase your blood pressure. Well, it is not easy to instantly change your eating habits. But, the following tips can help you to eat healthy food items:

  • Maintain A Food Diary

You should write down what you eat in a diary. This diary will help you to determine your eating habits. Moreover, this diary will also help in closely monitoring your eating habits.

  • Consider Increasing Potassium

You should increase the potassium-rich diet to reduce the effect of sodium. Well, there are various food items that are rich potassium. You should concern the doctor before increasing potassium intake.

4. Reduce Salt Intake

Sodium can create a worse impact on blood pressure sufferers. Therefore, it is recommended to reduce salt intake. Salt is rich in sodium; therefore, you should consume it in a limited amount. If you reduce sodium consumption even a little bit, then it will help in the reduction of 5 to 6 mm Hg blood pressure. Read the following tips to limit salt consumption:

  • Read Labels On Food

You should read the labels on food items and make sure that you choose only a low sodium food package. Low sodium food items are a good way to reduce sodium intake.

  • Eat fewer processed foods

In natural food, the level of sodium is less. Therefore, you should not eat processed food items.

  • Don’t Add Extra Salt.

Do you know that 1 level teaspoon contains 2,300 mg of sodium? Therefore, instead of adding more salt, you should add herbs and spices to enhance the flavor of food.

  • Gradually Cut It Down

If you cannot instantly reduce the intake of salt, then you should try to gradually reduce sodium intake.

5. Reduce Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol is bad for health, and it can instantly increase blood pressure. If you drink alcohol in a limited amount, then it does not create a bad impact on your health. But excessive consumption not just leads to high blood pressure but also leaves a bad impact on your kidneys.

6. Sleep Well and Reduce Mental Stress

Mental stress is one of the major factors of high blood pressure. If you want to reduce the blood pressure, then you should take less mental stress. You can practice meditation and yoga to take care of mental health.

Also, it is recommended to have a sound sleep every night. A person who is suffering from high blood pressure must have a sound sleep. If you are facing a problem in sleeping due to hot weather, then install ducted air conditioning Sydney at home.

7. Quit Smoking

Most people think that there is no link to smoking with high blood pressure. But, smoking can increase blood pressure and aggravate the bad health condition. You should quit smoking so that you can live a normal life and a healthy life. According to the survey, people who do not smoke live a long life.

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