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How To Rank Your Video on YouTube & Search Engines

As we are moving towards a diversified approach towards marketing, video content has become a mandatory thing. To achieve higher traction from the Internet and generate more traffic, you need to focus more on video marketing. If you have also started with video marketing and searching for ways to rank it, we have got you covered.

Creating video content is the first step towards gaining more traction from users, but there are many other things that you need to keep in mind like SEO services providers. In this article, we will have a look at the best ways to rank your videos on YouTube and search engines.

Focus on context of video:

While creating video content, you need to focus on the user search intent and the context of their queries. You need to think about what are the pain points that forced users to do a video search. You need to tackle all those important points while creating video content.

For example, you sell an email marketing tool, then instead of focusing on its features, create a video about what are the benefits that customers will get from it. Before you start making the video, first do a quick search on Google and check what are some common questions that most people are asking. Once you find all the important questions or topics, then create a quality and short video that can solve the purpose in an efficient manner. These types of videos have higher possibilities of ranking on both YouTube and search engines.  

Title of the video

Many people ignore giving an appropriate name to their videos and it prevents the videos from ranking on YouTube and other search engines. Instead of targeting keywords in a straightforward way in the title, try to write it in the form of a question. It will help YouTube and Google to understand the purpose of video in a better way.

For example, if you are making a video of baking a cake, then you can create titles like ‘How to bake a cake in 20 minutes?’ This kind of title has a high chance of getting ranked as it matches the questions that people have already searched on Google and YouTube. Before creating your final title, do a quick Google search to have a look at the most search queries. And, if you also have a blog written on the same topic, interlink that video in it to offer a better customer experience.

Leverage the video description

Don’t make the mistake of leaving the Video description unused by writing thin content. Write an interactive and in-depth description of your videos so that the search engines can also rank them in higher positions. Along with the basic details of the video, also include relevant hashtags, your blog link and make the content as convenient as possible.

Keep the paragraphs in short and crisp reading formats and also use keywords in listicles. These meaningful video descriptions will boost your ranking for sure. If you run an eCommerce store, don’t forget to add as many as possible relevant product links. It will help the customers to buy everything they need from one place. And along with improving the customer experience, you also generate higher product sales through YouTube.

Playlists are helpful

No one likes to search for videos one by one on your channel and that’s the reason you need to create relevant playlists. YouTube and other search engines do prefer organized content and creating a playlist will give you an additional edge over others. As per experts, creating playlists for your videos helps YouTube and Search engines in showing more relevant results to the audience.

If one of your videos is ranking, then by creating a playlist, there are high chances that YouTube and Google will display that playlist to the audience also. No matter even if you have two videos that are interlinked with each other, it’s better to create a playlist and offer a better search experience to the users.

Thumbnail plays a significant role

The first impression does matter when it comes to doing branding on the Internet. By default, YouTube gives you three options for thumbnails which are the random screenshots from your video. But, these screenshots are not enough to attract people as they don’t have context.

For ranking your video on YouTube and other search engines, you need to create a custom thumbnail that can tell people more about your video content. You can write the exact query regarding what people are searching on Google or YouTube. By doing this small thing, you can gain significant edge and boost your video’s organic ranking.

These were some important points that you need to keep in mind while you upload your video on YouTube. These tips will for sure help you rank your videos in much better positions. For more assistance you can opt for SEO packages.

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