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Top Ways to Earn Big in GTA Online: A Guide to Heists and Businesses

GTA Online offers numerous avenues to make money, but knowing the most effective methods can significantly enhance your earning potential and change your gameplay experience. In this guide, we’ll explore the top five ways to make money in GTA Online, from heists to business ventures. While the lower-ranked methods might be more complex or less efficient, they still offer substantial earning opportunities.

1. The Cayo Perico Heist: The Ultimate Money-Making Heist

The Cayo Perico Heist reigns as the most profitable and solo-friendly method to make money in GTA Online since its introduction in December 2020. The key to its success lies in the simplicity and speed of its setup missions and the heist finale. Following a specific route, the heist can be completed in under 7 minutes, even allowing you to earn the Elite Challenge completion for extra rewards.

As a solo player, you can realistically earn up to $1.5-$1.6 million per run, a remarkable payout considering the short time required. With four players, the potential earnings can reach up to $4 million, especially if you secure the Panther Statue as your primary target.

2. The Diamond Casino Heist: A Steady Source of Income

Despite being older, the Diamond Casino Heist remains a lucrative option. The setup and prep missions may initially take some time, but they become quicker as you gain experience, especially with a fast vehicle like the Oppressor Mark II.

The potential earnings from the Diamond Casino Heist are substantial, with up to $10 million on Normal mode and $11 million on Hard mode. When weighed against the effort of setup and prep, these numbers make the heist a highly attractive option for amassing GTA money.

Optimizing Profits in GTA Online: Hangar Business and More

In GTA Online, the inclusion of Hangar businesses as a lucrative earning method might come as a surprise to many players. Once overlooked, the Hangar business, especially for those with GTA accounts, has undergone a significant overhaul with the San Andreas Mercenaries DLC. This change has catapulted it into one of the top money-making ventures thanks to substantial payout increases.

3. Hangar Business: A Revamped Profit Maker

The Hangar business, now highly profitable, allows solo completion as part of the San Andreas Mercenaries DLC. The ability to sell products using a single vehicle adds to its appeal. Moreover, owning a Hangar is beneficial for storing air vehicles and linking it with your Nightclub business through a warehouse technician, enabling passive goods accumulation.

4. Agency Security Contracts: A Gateway for New and Veteran Players

The Agency, introduced in the Contracts DLC, opens lucrative opportunities, particularly for newer players who can quickly access the Agency property. To embark on Dr. Dre missions and VIP contracts, purchasing the Agency is necessary. Completing all VIP contract missions can net over $1 million, with additional income from Payphone hits – another excellent way to make money while passive businesses generate profits or during cooldowns. Each Payphone hit, especially when fulfilling bonus requirements, can yield up to $85k.

5. Nightclub Business: A Complex Yet Rewarding Venture

Ranking fifth is the Nightclub business, one of GTA Online’s most intricate yet rewarding passive income sources. Its complexity and substantial initial investment might be daunting for beginners, but the potential to earn millions passively makes it a worthwhile endeavor. This business model is particularly effective for players engaged in active income sources like the Cayo Perico heist or Agency missions. While focusing on these active tasks, your Nightclub business accumulates valuable materials in the background, translating to significant GTA money upon sale.

Starting Tips for New Players in GTA Online

For newcomers to GTA Online, it’s recommended to initially explore our money guides to save effectively and make strategic purchases. A key initial investment is the Kosatka submarine, essential for undertaking the Cayo Perico heist. Once you secure the Kosatka, you can start building your fortune and gradually venture into other profitable businesses listed here.

In conclusion, whether you’re a seasoned player with an established GTA account or just starting out, these methods offer diverse ways to maximize your earnings in GTA Online. From revamped Hangar operations to the complexity of Nightclub management, there’s a wealth of opportunities waiting to be explored. Dive in, strategize your business choices, and watch your GTA fortune grow.


Maximizing your earnings in GTA Online requires strategic planning and knowledge of the most profitable ventures. Heists like the Cayo Perico and Diamond Casino offer substantial payouts, making them top choices for players looking to boost their GTA money. Whether you’re a solo player or part of a team, these methods can significantly enhance your financial standing in the game. Dive into these heists, master the setups, and watch your earnings soar in GTA Online.

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